kr32 998
Lyngdorf CD-2
Utviklet med erfaringen fra flere prisbelønte Lyngdorf Audio digitale forsterkere og CD-spillere, er denne spilleren en av de beste lyd-CD-spillerne på markedet. CD-2 er kun designet for lyd, og av denne grunn er det både enklere og bedre å bruke en ren lydstasjon. Alle multi-format-stasjoner er basert på videodesign og klokker, og lydutgangen blir deretter re-samplet (ukontrollert) til lydutgangsklokker. Mange velger å optimalisere klokken på selve drevet, men uansett hva du gjør, er jordpotensiale vanskelige å kontrollere og motorkontrollkortet er støyfremkallende.
Lyngdorf MP-60 2.1
MP-60 2.1 er utstyrt med alle de avanserte teknologiene som Lyngdorf Audio er kjent for, inkludert det anerkjente romkorreksjonssystemet RoomPerfect og den uovertrufne kvaliteten innen digital signalbehandling. Sammen med Steinway Lyngdorf-versjonen, P300, utvikles MP-60 2.1 ved konsernets hovedkvarter i Skive, Danmark.
kr119 998
Lyngdorf MP-40 2.1
MP-40 2.1 flerkanalsprosessoren fra Lyngdorf Audio tilbyr de samme lydkvalitetene og ytelsen som flaggskipprosessoren, MP-60 2.1, i en strømlinjeformet design for mindre oppslukende hjemmekinoer eller surroundlyd-hjemmekinoer der det kreves mindre dekodingskanaler. 40 2.1 har 12 native-kanaldekoding og 16 balanserte lydutganger og tilbyr full støtte for de oppslukende surroundformatene DOLBY ATMOS®, DTS:X® og AURO-3D® samt 8K og 3D-video, HDCP 2.3 og avansert HDMI-svitsjing. Enkel installasjon og brukervennlige funksjoner er supplert med en forenklet funksjon som gir en sjanse til å oppleve ytelsen som Lyngdorf Audio er kjent for uten alle klokkene og fløyter.
kr32 998
Lyngdorf SDA-2400
Den allsidige SDA-2400 digitale stereoeffektforsterkeren har både analoge og digitale innganger, samt en rekke nye funksjoner for å levere enestående ytelse i en lang rekke bruksområder.
Perfekt for ethvert oppsett
Den inkluderer både optiske og koaksiale digitale innganger i tillegg til de tradisjonelle balanserte og analoge inngangene for å passe til ethvert mulig oppsett. Denne effektforsterkeren kan fungere i et tradisjonelt stereo- eller flerkanalsoppsett – men også som et kraftig tillegg til enkeltstående mediespillere og strømmeenheter med integrert volumkontroll. Ved å bruke de digitale tilkoblingene vil det ikke være forstyrrelser eller støy fra eksterne kilder. De digitale inngangene er basert på Wolfson WM8804 PLL Transceiver for utmerket dynamisk ytelse og forbedret toleranse for klokkejitter. -
kr21 998
Lyngdorf TDAI-1120
Lyngdorf TDAI-1120 gir det ultimate innen fleksibilitet. Det lille designfotavtrykket gjør at den enkelt kan plasseres hvor som helst i hjemmet, og det enorme funksjonssettet tilbyr et stort utvalg av strømmealternativer. Alle de brukervennlige funksjonene du kan be om og sammenkoblet med Lyngdorf Audios verdensberømte digitale forsterkningsteknologi og patenterte RoomPerfect™ romkorreksjon for den ultimate lytteopplevelsen.
kr62 998 – kr77 998
Lyngdorf TDAI-3400
Med ekstreme lydbehandlingsmuligheter kombinert med den kraftigste og mest avanserte digitale forsterkerteknologien, er TDAI-3400 det kraftigste produktet fra Lyngdorf Audio til nå.
kr29 000
Revel Concerta 2 F35
Revel Concerta2 F35 gulvhøyttaler er designet for å levere enestående nøyaktighet over et bredt frekvensområde. Som en kompakt 2,5-veis gulvstående høyttaler med trippel 5,25” får Revel Concerta2 F35 stor ytelse i en diskret innpakning. I kjent Revel-stil får man utrolig sammenheng, dynamikk og en avslappet fremtoning.
kr45 900
Revel Performa 3 F206
kr14 900
Revel Concerta2 M16
Revel Concerta2 M16 er designet for å levere høy presisjon og nøyaktighet for lytteren. 2-veis kontruksjon med en kraftig 6,5” har den kompakte bokhylle høyttaleren evnen til å gi musikk og film med høy dynamikk og troverdighet. Revel Concerta2 M16 tegner opp et utrolig stort lydbilde samtidig som man har den silkemyke Revel-sounden.
kr31 000
Revel Concerta2 F36
Revel Concerta2 F36 er en ekte full-range høyttaler som er designet for å gi ekte high-end lydkvalitet. Bygget som en moderat stor 2,5-veis gulvstående høyttaler med trippel 6,5” vil Revel Concerta2 F36 levere en imponerende kombinasjon av bredt frekvensområde, ukomprimert dynamikk og lav forvrengning over hele det hørbare spekteret.
kr2 750
Polk S10
Polk S10
American HiFi Home Theater Compact Satellite Surround Speaker
- Enjoy rich, clean, full-range sound for movies, TV and music with Polk’s new Dynamic Balance designed acoustic array
- Use as rear or side speaker in any 5.x, 7.x, or 9.x home theater configurations
- (1) 1” high-resolution Terylene tweeter for crystal clear high frequency response that perfectly reproduces the latest high-resolution audio files
- (1) 4” low distortion mica-reinforced polypropylene cones for clean, clear bass, better linearity, and increased dynamic mid-range
The Real American HiFi Home Theater Speaker
For use as a rear or surround speaker in any 5.x, 7.x or 9.x speaker home theater configurations, the Polk Signature S10 compact satellite surround speaker continues in the Polk tradition of American HiFi. Featuring Hi-Res certification, a new Dynamic Balance designed acoustic array precision cross-overs, an anti-diffraction grille, modern cabinet styling and exclusive Power Port bass enhancing technology, you get elevated sound for movies, TV and music in a totally re-imagined design. Polk—expect great sound.
kr3 300
Polk S15
Polk S15
American HiFi Home Theater Compact Bookshelf Speaker
- Enjoy rich, clean, full-range sound for movies, TV and music with Polk’s new Dynamic Balance designed acoustic array
- (1) 1” high-resolution Terylene tweeter for crystal clear high frequency response that perfectly reproduces the latest high-resolution audio files
- (1) 5.25” low distortion mica-reinforced polypropylene cones for clean, clear bass, better linearity, and increased dynamic mid-range
- Exclusive Polk Power Port for greater, more impactful bass
American HiFi Home Theater Compact Bookshelf Speaker
Built to bring the big surround sound theater and music experience into the comfort of your living room, the Polk Signature S15 compact bookshelf speaker continues in the Polk tradition of American HiFi. Featuring Hi-Res certification, a new Dynamic Balance designed acoustic array, precision cross-overs, an anti-diffraction grille, modern cabinet styling and exclusive Power Port bass enhancing technology, you get elevated sound for movies, TV and music in a totally re-imagined design. Polk—expect great sound
Pris pr par
kr3 495
Polk S20
Polk S20
American HiFi Home Theater Bookshelf Speaker
- Enjoy rich, clean, full-range sound for movies, TV and music with Polk’s new Dynamic Balance designed acoustic array
- (1) 1” high-resolution Terylene tweeter for crystal clear high frequency response that perfectly reproduces the latest high-resolution audio files
- (1) 6.5” low distortion mica-reinforced polypropylene cones for clean, clear bass, better linearity, and increased dynamic mid-range
- Exclusive Polk Power Port for greater, more impactful bass
The Real American HiFi Home Theater Speaker
Built to bring the big surround sound theater and music experience into the comfort of your living room, the Polk Signature S20 bookshelf speaker continues in the Polk tradition of American HiFi. Featuring Hi-Res certification, a new Dynamic Balance designed acoustic array, precision cross-overs, an anti-diffraction grille, modern cabinet styling and exclusive Power Port bass enhancing technology, you get elevated sound for movies, TV and music in a totally re-imagined design. Polk—expect great sound.
Pris pr par
kr2 995
Polk S30
Polk S30
American HiFi Home Theater Center Speaker
- Enjoy rich, clean, full-range sound for movies, TV and music with Polk’s new Dynamic Balance designed acoustic array
- (1) 1” high-resolution Terylene tweeter for crystal clear high frequency response that perfectly reproduces the latest high resolution audio files
- (2) 5.25” low distortion mica-reinforced polypropylene cones for clean, clear bass, better linearity, and increased dynamic mid-range
- Exclusive Polk Power Port for greater, more impactful bass
The Real American HiFi Home Theater Speaker
Built to bring the big surround sound theater and music experience into the comfort of your living room, the Polk Signature S30 center speaker continues in the Polk tradition of American HiFi. Featuring Hi-Res certification, a new Dynamic Balance designed acoustic array, precision cross-overs, an anti-diffraction grille, modern cabinet styling and exclusive Power Port bass enhancing technology, you get elevated sound for movies, TV and music in a totally re-imagined design. Polk—expect great sound.
Pris pr stk.
kr3 850
Polk S35
Polk S35
American HiFi Home Theater Slim Center Speaker
- Enjoy rich, clean, full-range sound for movies, TV and music with Polk’s new Dynamic Balance designed acoustic array
- 1” high-resolution Terylene tweeter for crystal clear high frequency response that perfectly reproduces the latest high resolution audio files
- (6) 3” low distortion mica-reinforced polypropylene cones for clean, clear bass, better linearity, and increased dynamic mid-range
- 4”-tall slim profile fits spaces that other center channels do not
American HiFi Home Theater Slim Center Speaker
Built to bring the big surround sound theater and music experience into the comfort of your living room, the Polk signature S35 slim center speaker continues in the Polk tradition of American Hifi. Featuring Hi-Res certification, a New dynamic balance designed acoustic array, a 4”-tall profile, precision cross-overs, an anti-diffraction grille, modern cabinet styling and exclusive dual power port bass enhancing technology, you get elevated sound for movies, TV and music in a totally re-imagined design. Polk-expect great sound.
Pris pr stk.
kr5 995
Polk S50
Polk S50
American HiFi Home Theater Tower Speaker
- Enjoy rich, clean, full-range sound for movies, TV and music with Polk’s new Dynamic Balance designed acoustic array
- (1) 1” high-resolution Terylene tweeter for crystal clear high frequency response that perfectly reproduces the latest high resolution audio files
- (2) 5.25” low distortion mica-reinforced polypropylene cones for clean, clear bass, better linearity, and increased dynamic mid-range
- Exclusive Polk Power Port technology for greater, more impactful bass
The Real American HiFi Home Theater Speaker
Built to bring the big surround sound theater and music experience into the comfort of your living room, the Polk Signature S50 tower speaker continues in the Polk tradition of American HiFi. Featuring Hi-Res certification, a new Dynamic Balance designed acoustic array, precision cross-overs, an anti-diffraction grille, modern cabinet styling and exclusive Power Port bass enhancing technology, you get elevated sound for movies, TV and music in a totally re-imagined design. Polk—expect great sound.
Pris pr par -
kr7 995
Polk S55
Polk S55
American HiFi Home Theater Tower Speaker
- Enjoy rich, clean, full-range sound for movies, TV and music with Polk’s new Dynamic Balance designed acoustic array
- 1” high-resolution Terylene tweeter for crystal clear high frequency response that perfectly reproduces the latest high resolution audio files
- 6.5” mica-reinforced polypropylene cones for clean, clear bass, better linearity, and increased dynamic mid-range
- Exclusive Polk Power Port technology for greater, more impactful bass
Pris pr par
kr2 400
Polk TSx150C
Polk TSx150C
Center channel design magic
Heavy duty, detailed center channel performance from a beautifully compact loudspeaker with a reversible enclosure for easy placement in any system.
TSx150C Features:
- Stiff and durable Dynamic Balance® composite driver cones deliver smooth, natural sound.
- High performance silk/polymer dome tweeters anchor the action with clear and detailed highs, even at high volume, and more realistic vocal reproduction.
- Rear-firing flared bass port minimizes port noise («chuffing») and smoothly blends low frequency response with the speaker’s overall dynamics, for the kind of wide dynamics you want in a center channel speaker.
- All Polk loudspeakers are timbre-matched within their series, designed with the same components throughout, to achieve seamless speaker-to-speaker blending effects in multi-channel systems.
- The high efficiency design of the TSx Series works well with practically any electronics, even the most modestly-powered amplifier or receiver, delivering a performance that’s spacious and clear, natural and realistic.
- Our high performance crossover system boosts performance with premium components (like mylar bypass capacitors, which reveal extended high frequency details); these are usually found only on much more expensive loudspeakers.
- Gold-plated, professional-style 5-way binding posts, for the most secure connection options.
- Reversible, aimable, all-MDF enclosure is non-resonant, and features a 5/8-inch-thick baffle, for heavy duty high performance in a hard-working center channel speaker.
Pris pr stk.
kr3 000
Polk RC60i
Round, in-ceiling speaker with a 6 1/2-inch driver.In-Ceiling Audiophile Magic
RC60i’s round profile looks just like a lighting fixture so it will blend into your ceiling without calling attention to itself. But they sound sooooo much better than your typical in-ceiling speakers that resemble a watering spout.
RC60i Features:
- Easy one-cut, drop-in installation puts built-in audio within reach, with Perfect Fit templates, a precision flange, and (available) pre-construction brackets.
- RCi speakers utilize the «virtual enclosure» of your in-wall and in-ceiling space to enhance their bass response and smooth low frequency blending with the midrange.
- Lightweight and stiff blue polymer cones deliver excellent damping and bass response.
- Durable, computer-modeled, injection-molded butyl rubber surrounds suppress unwanted cone resonances for a lifetime of reliable sound.
Pris pr stk.
kr4 200
Polk PSW125
12-inch, 300W Subwoofer.
King of the Deep
The PSW125 is the King of the PSW Series. The end-all, with a powerful 12-inch composite woofer driven by a high-power intelligent amplifier (150W continuous/300W peak!). The best subwoofer for big rooms and big systems, the PSW125 delivers smooth, musical bass at lifelike volumes; it’s truly groundbreaking.